Differential Geometry and Its Applications

Editorial Office of the DGA Journal is at Masaryk University, Faculty of Science


The journal is published by Elsevier. The mailing address is: Elsevier B.V., Differential Geometry and Its Applications (DIFGEO), Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Journal's home page maintained by the Publisher provides searchable indexes and abstracts. Full text PDF files are available via the journal's Science Direct page (for subscribers only).

Aims and scope

The journal publishes original research papers and survey papers in differential geometry and in all interdisciplinary areas in mathematics that use differential geometric methods and investigate geometrical structures. The profile of the journal is mainly determined by the expertise of its Editors. Authors are advised to look carefully through the Editorial Board when submitting a paper. More instructions and advice are to be found below.


Editorial board

Editorial Assistant

Editorial office

Mailing address: DGA Editorial Office, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 54949 7203, fax: +420 54949 1421
E-mail address: dga@math.muni.cz
Editorial home-page: http://dga.math.muni.cz

Electronic submission of papers:

Since November 22, 2012, the only way how to submit a paper is through the Elsevier’s Electronic Editorial System providing great support to the complete agenda related to the submitted papers. Please proceed via the official journal pages with Elsevier, see http://www.journals.elsevier.com/differential-geometry-and-its-applications/

Instructions to Authors

Preparation of Manuscripts

Articles submitted for publication must be written in English, and produced in TeX, using preferably LaTeX (2e style). The Elsevier native style is provided at www.elsevier.com/locate/latex, where the package used for the DGA journal is 'elsart3p.cls'. The first page should contain the title, authors' names and addresses, full contact details of the corresponding author, the abstract, 1-5 keywords, and MS classification numbers. Figures must also be prepared in electronic form, preferably eps or pdf. Figures and Tables should have captions and should be mentioned at a suitable place in the text. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript, numbered in alphabetical order.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts and good-quality electronic copies of the figures should be submitted via the Elsevier’s Electronic Editorial System, see above. The authors are invited to suggest the Editor(s) to be associated with the manuscript during the submission process. TeX based PDF files can be built via the Electronic Submission system. The authors should carefully retain the TeX source file of their manuscript. An author submitting an article is deemed to be the corresponding author.

Accepted Manuscripts

Upon acceptance of a paper, the Editorial Office will ask the author to send the source TeX file of the final accepted version of the paper and files of the figures. It is the authors' responsibility to ensure that the files exactly match the accepted version of the paper. The Editorial Office will forward the corresponding files to the Publisher. The Publisher reserves the right to decide whether or not to use the authors' files for proof production. Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the Publisher.

Important Notice

The scope and format of the journal does not allow long contributions. Thus, articles longer than 30 pages of the final Elsevier format (see above) are rather exceptional. Recently accepted articles were mostly in the range ten to thirty pages.

Forthcoming papers - Differential Geometry and its Applications

I the period 2006 -- 2013, the periodicity of the journal was one volume per year, six issues each. Since 2014, each issue is an individual volume and there are 6 volumes per year.

Here is the list of forthcoming papers for Differential Geometry and its Applications as of December 14, 2024. All papers are published at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09262245 immediately.

Volume 97

Other papers

  1. Maria Gordina, Gunhee Cho, Diameter theorems on K (2023-05-23, 2023-05-23)
  2. Diego Conti, Alejandro Gil-García, Pseudo-Kähler and hypersymplectic structures on semidirect products (2023-11-15, 2023-11-15)
  3. Shin-Young Kim, Kyeong-Dong Park, Deformation rigidity of the double Cayley Grassmannian (2023-11-24, 2023-11-24)
  4. Naoya Suda, Ricci flow of discrete surfaces of revolution, and relation to constant Gaussian curvature (2023-11-28, 2023-11-28)
  5. Guangyue Huang, Qi Guo, Bingqing Ma, Rigidity of closed Vacuum static spaces (2023-12-08, 2023-12-08)
  6. Barnabe P. Lima, Bruno V.M. Vieira, Francisco G. S. Carvalho, Paulo A. Sousa, Lower estimates for the length of the second fundamental form of submanifolds (2024-02-07, 2024-02-07)
  8. Homare Tadano, A Souplet--Zhang Type Gradient Estimate for the Fast Diffusion Equation Associated with the Witten-Laplacian (2024-04-18, 2024-04-18)

This list is ordered by the receipt date. If a paper needs revision then the receipt date is defined as that of submission of the final version. The receipt date basically determines the publication date of every paper.

See other useful links (Elsevier & archive) for more information about previous volumes, authors and keywords.

Useful links

Databases provided Elsevier

DGA conferences

For more information see Journal's home page provided by the Publisher